I don't like homework. not that anyone does.. but sometimes my depression kicks in hard core and its not that i dislike homework the normal teenage amount. its that i really dont feel like i have the physical ability to do my work. this generally leads to me thinking about what crazy thing to do to my hair next, what to pierce, and what tattoos i want. so today was a tattoo designing kind of day. i have lots of ideas. but one is a girl dancing in the rain with her umbrella on my forearm. these arekinda along the lines of what i want, mine will have one storm cloud with rain and then the girl. nothing else. maybe a puddle hahah.
also im thinking about getting two wires (like telephone wires) on my wrist with a bird sitting on one and another bird flying away (yea its cause of the regina spektor song) or the lyrics "the world can be ugly but isn't it beautiful" from there, there katie on my wrist. also im getting 'the rose that grew from concrete' on my left side ribcage area. there will be lots more im sure. but i gotta do some homework now...
Your brother loves you. But if you tell anyone, i'll deny it. I mean he'll deny it.