Monday, September 20, 2010


Nothing very interesting has happened recently... going to school, doing hw, etc. I went to another Clover Hill football game which was super exciting cause they kicked Cosby's butt!! And last night Anna and her friend and I went to get Vietnamese food which was freaking delicious. I can't believe I'd never had it before! I'm currently trying to get my homework done because it's premiere week! How I Met Your Mother tonight, Glee tomorrow, and Law and Order: SVU on Wednesday! It's gonna be a good week. I really cannot wait for Fall Festival though! It's gonna be so much fun! And Kenz is coming home that weekend :) yay yay yay! Too bad I have SATs that weekend as well... which reminds me that I should really start the whole college application process.. but oh well. I have lots of years ahead of me for college. For now I'll just focus on getting through each day, one at a time.

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