Tuesday, October 26, 2010

halloween, winter sports, and some random stuff

So halloween is this weekend! yay! im dressing up as ke$ha for school on friday :) i cant wait. i bought a bunch of glitter stuff but i still gotta get my costume together. its gonna be so much fun! then on saturday im probably doing this volunteering thing at school, and then helping anna set up for her youth group halloween party. and on halloween im going to watch movies with caitie :) its going to be an awesome weekend. i love halloween!

wrestling starts soon which i am super siked about! although also kind of nervous because i dont even know how many people are actually on the team haha... we shall seee how that goes. swimming also starts  soon.. but thats not very exciting. i just do it to not be fat. haha. and we have a different pool this year so practice is 15 minutes earlier. and farther away. meaning i have to wake up earlier. not cool. hahah.

also i have decided, mostly, that i am not taking a year off before college, and ill probably go to a school that no one in my family has been to. im going to arkansas in a few weeks to look at a college haha. i hope i like it. cause it looks great online so i hope its as good in reality. arkansas is a really random ass place but that could be just what  i need.

we filmed the first scene of our dig vid group project today!! that was so exciting! thank you to all the extras who helped out. im sorry if you were tired or bored but you were such a huge help! i cannot wait to continue making our film. also today, i sound like a frigging fog horn haha. i have no voice. it sucks because i cannot sing and that makes me go crazy.

i have to go make bloody candles :) hahah this should be fun!

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